Saturday, May 19, 2007

Lunch in Bella Bella

BELLA BELLA, May 17,07
We always stop at the Bella Bella Band Store to replenish the boat stores. They have the best (almost only) selection of groceries and supplies between Port McNeil and Prince Rupert. I happened to see a sign about a luncheon by donation in support of the young people going to the Indigenous Games in 2008.
I asked “When is it?”
“Right about now.”
So for lunch I had perfectly cooked halibut, wonderful salmon, herring row layered with seaweed and cut into little dainty cubes, deep fried halibut, salmon mashed potatoes, carrot salad, seafood fried rice, and more. Thomas had a big slice of ham with his. Chocolate cupcakes for dessert. We could hardly walk out the door of Darby United Church. We did discover that the new minister, Cornelia van Bentum was away in Germany at her father’s funeral.

Across the street is the school and kids were returning to classes after lunch. People everywhere, always a smiling chunky baby being passed from auntie to auntie. A great part-St. Bernard was lying down in a patch of grass, lazily chomping a large hunk of meat and bone.
“And a great lunch was had by all.” quoth the Skipper.

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