Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Hey, it’s summer! Come on out and play!
Pool party with family in Texas

salmon jumping at Verny Falls, Lowe Inlet

Picnic at Crippen Cove
Young Willie Pigeon
humpback whale

And then there’s just “hanging with friends”
Sandhill cranes

girl friends in fireweed

eagles in forest - and later soaring

Zoe, Caleb and Willow on the beach

Thomas, Ken and halibut share a small dinghy

crab embrace - friends making the best of it?

This friendly husky was guarding an empty camp when we landed on the beach

Cooling off with Noah and Lilli

It’s interesting how much of what seems like play involves the same activities as what’s called work. Fishing sure fits in both categories!

Daisy's fish

fishing eagle


Local kids fish for jumping salmon off the dock at Klemtu

Eagle brings her pink salmon to the big rock in Crippen Cove

how to measure a halibut

humpback fishing maneuver

At Verny Falls we watched one hard working fisher that made it all look like play

And who’s having the most fun here?

For the crew on La Sonrisa food gathering is some of our most important work. That’s what makes it possible for us to live on a sailboat on the North Pacific coast. Food gathering is also how we enjoy ourselves!
"chicken of the woods" - delicious shelf fungus
huckleberries above chicken of the woods

"chicken's feet" - a salty, crunchy sea glasswort

salmon bake

digging clams

several generations have picked these red currants

drying wackl berries

For young ones of course, play is really learning about life.
young grizzlies follow mom

Edward climbs

young eagle practices not soiling the nest

Daisy and Frankie saw firewood with Grampa

Leif drives the dinghy

hearing the story of "The One Who Fell from the Sky

So much to learn – let’s play!

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