Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Friend Mark Shaw delivers our fifth wheel trailer

We’ve had an interesting variety of conversations about whether a 5th wheel qualifies as a home, nevertheless here we are in our new home.

Daughter Tamaya chats with a friend

First of all we’re growing our food.

Our one big rock has become the herb garden, fed by gifts from neighbours.

Midnight visitor didn't eat the herbs.

Day after day, plants have appeared on our doorstep: day after day, experts have arrived with helpful advice on projects.

Our first water system, collecting rainwater for the garden beds.

Filling the water tank with drinking water gifted by water-blessed neighbours.

Measuring water level in the well. We had many tries with various pumps

before we finally got water from the well.

1998 South Road, Gabriola Island, V0R 1X6 – our new land address. We needed an address (for the compost toilet to be delivered) before jumping the various official address hoops, so we did it ourselves. Happily the mapping authority has agreed.

Welcome addition, "The Airhead" - a new compost toilet originally designed for boats

Family arrived for a post pounding party,

Here is the finished garden fence made with donated pink salmon gill net.

We fed the workers omelets made in Thomas’ favourite find at the recycle depot.

We’re getting prepared for the fresh eggs from our chickens-to-be!

Just the spot for a bike rack

The helpful local installer from the telephone company gave us the requirements

for a land line hook up: a deep hole and a pole.

Our new phone number: 250 247-0122

The grand-dogs do their thing.

1 comment:

Trika said...

Yay! I was just on Gabe last month enjoying that very bay, hope you both are happy there! Too bad I didnt run into you then, or it would have made 4 random places in 4 years (Horseshoe bay, Denny Island and Nanaimo) Saw your boat for sale on craigslist and was suprised, so I checked your blog. Enjoy your new digs, I hope you're both well and happy!
