La Sonrisa II is a 40-ft. sailboat with accommodation for Elizabeth and Thomas in the aft cabin, and up to six guests overnight in the main cabin (two single bunks and two doubles). For day trips we can accommodate up to a dozen people. Guests share in the cost of food and pay whatever else they can afford. The suggested rate is $100 per group per day. (Note: Pay what you can. Those who are able to afford a bit extra help to balance those with more limited resources.)
La Sonrisa operates on two basic principles -- Simple Abundance and Participatory Ecology.
Simple Abundance means low-tech: We sail rather than motor; we work the winds and currents. We anchor rather than tie-up; eat simply, gathering and producing much of our own food (seafood, wild greens, berries, mushrooms; baking our own bread, making pasta, sushi, pickles, canning). We enjoy and give thanks. We attempt to sail/walk lightly on ocean and shore.
Participatory Ecology (as opposed to Museum Ecology, "look but don't touch") means we get involved. We enter the neighbourhoods into which we sail with respect for the creatures who live there-- sea creatures, birds, animals, plants, humans past and present. We seek to become part of the neighbourhood, sharing food and resources in a sustainable way. We celebrate with our neighbours, and give thanks.
La Sonrisa is available for a day, overnight, long-weekend or week-long adventure. Let us know what your interests are and when you can come. We will adjust our schedule where possible.
As we travel, we will continue our research for the book (working title), The Sustainable Coast. Many have written about the devastation of the coast--the decimation of First Nation peoples and cultures, the decimation of resources due to policies of extraction rather than nurture, the resulting depopulation and lack of economic opportunities. But here and there small, hopeful experiments are happening. We want to write about these "hope models," and the people who are bravely and creatively pioneering a new/old way to live on the coast.
Getting ready to sail north. Our bottom - sometimes mistaken for a whale!
Egmont lowtide playground - view from Billy's ways.
Little Coastal Whorehouse? Old Westview dock landmark.
congratulations on creating your first blog. this is a comment to see how they work.
*Oh you two still manage to be hip and with it all the way out in the great beyond, I'm impressed!
A blog is a great way to keep us all informed and involved when we can't be there with you, now we get to live vicariously through your journeys!
Post us a couple great pictures of your famous apple pies, don't want to miss out on those!!
All is well with us here, we celebrate our 7th anniversary today, Tuesday May 1st!
Wish you were here, or rather we were there!!
Wild pictures, keep them coming when you can!
Super! Welcome to the world of blogging!It will help us to feel connected, even from the other side of the continent...Happy sailing...
love Peter & Fran
Hi Liz and Thomas,
Lovely site, wonderful expressed ideas, so positive and inspiring. I wish I could join you! Just got a job substitute teaching at an ESL school in downtown Vancouver, so far one week end of May but perhaps more. Not sure how I will juggle al, but time will tell. Glad Irene helped you blog, it is a great way to communicate.
All my love and wishes for a harmonious and successful season, Evi
Well done. Now all I have to do is get brave enough to get mine started.
Hello Eliza! What a great start! I don't even have a Blog yet - nothing to blog about :-) This is much better than me trying to explain what my sister is up to!
Love, Brother George
I think George is trying to imply that your still a crazy hippy and he doesn’t know how to explain that to all his professional friends. Its ok mom I love you anyways!
Tomas really does look like he's rubbing the belly of the wale (the one that ate Jonah?)
Im glad you made this bc now we can get into socio-political debates about the merits of a free-enterprise society with out getting pied!
Vaya con dios!!!
Hello Elizabeth and Thomas
I'm in Winnipeg, far away from the ocean. I'm lamenting that a whole year has passed and we did not connect. Elizabeth, I had envisioned getting together with you and Kay for tea. But of course I have to at the very least invite you to tea in order to make it happen. Which I clearly didn't. In the fall when you're back!
Photos help me to feel connected to the ministry that you continue to offer to the world.
Kind of fun to see other folks here too! Hi Peter and Fran. How is your time in Quebec?
Love Kimiko
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